What Are Genes Made Of?
At MelixGXTM, we are bringing the power of genomic DNA analyzation to you. A thorough understanding of your genetic make-up is a valuable asset if you are looking to advance your health, wellbeing, and happiness....
At MelixGXTM, we are bringing the power of genomic DNA analyzation to you. A thorough understanding of your genetic make-up is a valuable asset if you are looking to advance your health, wellbeing, and happiness....
Ah, the essential questions regarding the basic units of life. When we begin to examine the building blocks of creation we stumble across a few trends and repeat terms. Protein, which is an essential part...
MelixGXTM’s existence thrives on the functioning of DNA. We wouldn’t be where we are today if great minds of the past hadn’t stopped to ask, what is the function of DNA? DNA is a macromolecule...
Most of us had actually seen the evidence of DNA analysis only in some hot shot TV series or movies until a few years ago. However, now the scenario is completely different as the completion...
We all have heard the phrase, ‘It’s in his/her genes!’, right? We have been connecting genes with the core of the people’s personality ever since we have known what genes are; even though we didn’t...
The Wonder of Genetic Variation: A Single Gene Mutation Makes Cilantro Taste Like Soap Modern science has the capacity to study many things and to unveil some mysteries of life. Among these studies are those...